I abandoned my wordpress v_v

LOL so after that hearty I-have-exams-thats-why-i’m-not-here speech…I abandoned my wordpress account 😦 I’m sooooo sorry. The holidays were waaaay busy and writers block just seemed to stay with me during that whole period. anyways i decided if i’m serious about this i need to put fingers to keyboard and let magic happen so i plan to update tomorrow \o/

The story’s getting awesome guys and you deserve a good 2 or 3 posts for my absence. sooo starting tomorrow, I’ll be back on this! soooo tomorrow

xoxo ♥

Random thoughts

I miss my boyfriend 😦 I don’t usually do these things(write about how much ai love n miss someone) but I’m in love…like head over heels and i’m pretty sure, the feelings have been at this level for over a year now :T I think I got lucky, I found someone who isn’t afraid to let me be me….he’s not trying to change me, he knows who I am and thats who he loves. He annoys me…a lot, but its the kind you don’t mind. He’s adorable and says and does the cutest things *sigh* I could go on for days but i’m actually tired and I just came here cuz i really didnt know what else to do……

and this picture, its how we are, literally lol. We disgust me sometimes :3


ohhh look out for more from YOU BELONG WITH ME tomorrow 😀